What parents are saying.

  • “If you have the opportunity to have Stephanie as your childcare provider, then count yourself lucky.  When I first met Steph, she was easy to talk to; warm, open and genuine. I was relieved to discover that she treated my children in just the same way.  Steph took my two girls in as if they were part of her own family and made them feel special every day. Consequently, her daycare felt like a second home to us and my children adored her. Some of the girls’ daily activities included outdoor play, crafts, reading, cooking, (age appropriate) learning, and a frequent rotation of exciting toys. Routine and structure are built into Steph’s daycare, where mutual respect and compassion are nurtured amongst her and the children.  The safety of my children was always important to Steph, and I completely trusted that they would be safe with her in charge. Behind the scenes, Stephanie is hard working. She cleans diligently, plans creative and personal crafts, and puts a lot of thought into the design and activities provided in her playroom. I give my full and sincere recommendation that Stephanie is a wonderful provider. I would not hesitate to put my children in her care.”

    — Anna Cleverly

  • “My son has been in Miss Stephanie’s care since the day he turned 1 until he “graduated” from her daycare this June at almost 4.  Words cannot fully express how grateful we are to have found Stephanie and how lucky we are to have had her care for and love our son these past 3 years. To say she goes “above and beyond” what is outlined by her and expected by us as parents, is an understatement. Steph’s philosophy is to learn through play and most importantly actually “be” with the children throughout the day.  Other daycare providers plunk them in front of the television or expect them to amuse themselves in the playroom.  She provides a structured day that allows the children to have positive interactions with the others. Each experience is a learning experience for the kids and they learn through gentle, but firm guidance how to play with each other and how to be kind to one another. Each stage of development for the kids is targeted and worked on as they grow older.  As babies they learn to love to play and explore.  As toddlers, they learn how to share, be kind and experience the joys of learning new things.  As preschoolers, she really focusses on getting them Kindergarten “ready”.  I am so proud of how much my son has learned and knows because of Stephanie.  I believe he is actually ahead of other children his age because of Stephanie.  Her activities are always fun, interactive and  meaningful.  Her family has become our family and our son truly loves each of them.  We will miss our Stephie but leave her feeling better knowing we can now call her “Auntie Stephie”.  We will miss you, but know that the next generation of children coming into your care are so very lucky to have you!”

    — Judy, Clark and Grant

  • “I feel extremely fortunate to have met Miss Stephanie and have her care for my son for the past year. When he began with her, his speech development was delayed due to some fluid build-up in his ears. After surgery, the progress he made was truly astounding and I believe that Miss Stephanie is to be credited with the majority of his advancement. At 2 ½, he is constantly astonishing other parents and his doctors with his knowledge of the alphabet, colours, shapes, and numbers. Her program has not only developed his speech to where it should be, but has put him above and beyond many kids his age in other areas. She spends so much time not only caring for your child as if they are her own but she teaches and nurtures them on a daily basis. She doesn’t stop caring when the day is over; your child becomes a part of her family. My son got so attached to her that many times he would ask to go back to see her after we had left for the day and most days would run from the car to her door, anxious to see her, hug her and start playing. Although I’m sad my son is no longer with her, I can honestly say the care she provided for him will never be forgotten and I can’t thank her enough. I’m truly grateful for Miss Stephanie!”

    — Cherie

  • “I cannot say enough about Stephanie and how much we appreciated her care for our 2 year old. My husband and I had sent our son to a few daycares before finding Stephanie and noticed such a huge difference in the care. Stephanie is a nurturing person who provides the children in her daycare with attention, love , activities and guidance. We loved her energy in playing with the children. She was always smiling when she was around them and we could tell that she enjoyed being with them. The children were always extremely well supervised and were almost always interacting with Miss Stephanie as well as with the other children (aside from naps of course!). I never worried about him when he was there unlike in some of the other daycares. It was such an overwhelming relief to know that our child was well cared for and it made all the difference for us and our peace of mind. Our son always had a tonne of playtime both inside and out. She regularly did crafts with them, incorporated music and dancing and she was full of creative ways to have fun with the children (like taking a huge cardboard box to build things out of). He absolutely loved it there. We also loved her “firm but friendly” philosophy of discipline that helped teach our son to be a caring individual. She even helped to prepare him for the arrival of our new baby by playing with dolls and talking about it with him. And because she was so attentive with the children, there were no fights among them and our son always had positive interactions with other children. We have loved sending our son to Miss Stephanie and have really enjoyed getting to know her whole family ... we feel so lucky to have found her!”

    — Jennifer and Cory

  • “Your search for a dayhome is over! Creative Expressions is the perfect choice for any family.  Steph is a warm and caring person who has a genuine interest in the development and well-being of children in her care.  I am a school teacher with a very busy 5 year old son.  He had "boredom" issues at a dayhome in the past and Steph offered the perfect alternative.  In Steph's care, he was kept busy, both his hands and his brain, treated fairly and given opportunities to play inside and outside. I would highly recommend Creative Expressions, especially for busy professionals who need peace of mind during the day!”

    — Geri-Lynn

  • “Creative Expressions Childcare is a wonderful place. There wasn’t a full time opening for him but she was extremely flexible with finding a place when I was stuck for childcare. Aiden (age 2) had fantastic days, he didn't go through a shy phase and fit right in. Flexible and FUN!”

    — Mere

  • “While Stephanie was in Airdrie, Alberta, our life was full. We met in May and she and her children instantly became family. We felt welcome as soon as we walked through the door; she has the ability to make anyone comfortable. The calm way in which she talks puts everyone at ease. My children instantly embraced her, and she embraced them as her own. I could leave my children in her care and not worry about them throughout the day, which is the best childcare in the world no matter the financial cost. To walk out the door after dropping off the kids knowing they are safe, happy and as parents to have no worries is the most essential part of daycare for my family. They loved her, and still do as we are in contact continually. She developed a relationship with all three of my children that is like no other. The amount of care and attention that Stephanie gives to children is surreal. They play all day, do crafts, and go for many adventures in the outdoors. After all the “hard” work is done, you can be sure that there was healthy snacks and home cooked meals waiting for them. Never in a year, were my children unattended or left to their own devices. The educational games and crafts were the highlight of their day. The manner in which she disciplines consisted of a discussion as to learn the correct behaviour. Never did she raise her voice to my children and they respected her always. I don’t know how many times my children slipped up and called me “Steph” instead of mom…proving yet again how much of a positive impact she has had in their lives. The saddest day for my family arrived in June when Stephanie moved to Ontario and we lost a member of our family. We miss her greatly and anyone who has the fortune to have Stephanie care for her children is one of the luckiest families in Eastern Canada.”

    — Jolene Burgeson